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2018-11-09 15:22来源:山东自考网
  36、The house is small. It is white. It is on the corner.(long sentence)
  The house is on the corner, small and white.
  37、She is not young. She is not inexperienced.(parallel structure)
  She is neither young nor inexperienced.
  38、His vision begins to fade. He knows he’d better get some rest.(complex sentence)
  Since his vision begins to fade, he knows he’d better get some rest.
  39、She arrived in London. She visited her teacher whom she had not seen since her graduation.(simple sentence beginning with prepositional phrase)
  On her arrival in London, she visited her teacher whom she had not seen since her graduation.
  40、The rescuers were careful as they handled the rope. They lowered the frightened climber from the edge.(simple sentence with by-phrase beginning with carefully)
  By carefully handling the rope, the rescuers lowered the frightened climber from the edge.
