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2018-11-09 15:20来源:山东自考网
  26、Peg entered the room. Lisa was in the room. Lisa lay on his couch. Lisa appeared to be asleep. Lisa’s hair was long. It nearly touched the floor. On Lisa’s stomach was her cat. Its name was Tikky.(long sentence)
  When Peg entered the room, Lisa was lying on his couch, being asleep, whose long hair nearly touched the floor and her cat Tikky was on her stomach.
  27、Jack obtained a credit card. He began spending money carelessly.(complex sentence)
  When Jack obtained a credit card, he began spending money carelessly.
  28、David lopped dead branches off the tree, and Michelle stacked them into piles on the ground below.(complex sentence with subordinate clause)
  After David lopped dead branches off the tree, Michelle stacked them into piles on the ground below.
  29、Jack dialed the police emergency number. He received a busy signal. He dropped the phone and ran. He didn’t have time to call back.(compound complex sentence)
  Jack dialed the police emergency number but he received a busy signal so he dropped the phone and ran because he didn’t have time to call back.
  30、George tried to protect himself from the dampness of the room. He wrapped a scarf around his neck.(simple sentence with –ing phrase)
  Trying to protect himself from the dampness of the room, George wrapped a scarf around his neck.
